Astronomy from Saudi Arabia
A short description of the joys and challenges of astronomy from Colin Henshaw in Saudi Arabia.
Jodrell Bank 50th Aniversary Star Party
Last night saw the final event of the 2007 "50th Anniversary" celebrations of the Lovell telescope at Jodrell Bank.
Autumn Darkness
The best transparency and darkest conditions I’ve experienced in the UK.
A Mixed Bag of Seasonal Treats
First off, a horizon to horizon crisp and frosty Milky Way.
Cambrian Darkness
A list of bright and featured NGC and Messier galaxies culled from the Night Sky Observers Guide.
Perfect Pairs
Norman and Kevin or two LX 90s or maybe..? M65 and M66 alive with great detail.
Wonders at Wildboarclough
I spent tonight observing the winter sky through my TeleVue Ranger. This is an excellent grab and go telescope and shows pin point stars.
Marvelling at Machholz
This was a short session tonight. I took the opportunity catch a break in the clouds and went up to The Gradbach Observing site.
Breezy Brenig
A late start saw me hiding in the forest from the cold north wind. A few clouds passed through...
Fire Ball Discovery?
Much debate on the ADAS@YAHOO news group about the fireball seen late Saturday night. Some think it was a NASA satellite re-entry others...
1st April Observation - Roger L.
The front cleared Manchester in the early evening and with the Moon not rising till late it offered an excellent chance to catch the comet.
Comet Ikeya-Zhang Confirmed
Paul C has confirmed a prediction that Comet Ikeya-Zhang will pass very close to M31 at or about 4th April
Chester AS Comet Talk
This meeting was held at 8pm Wednesday 26th July.
5 Go Observing!
Don (with the Critchley Meade), Warren and Mike (with Mike’s 10” Dobsonian, 15x80s and Short tube 80 refractor), Colin (with bins.) and Paul
Comet Observation
I (Paul Clark) was observing from Gradbach on Sunday night.