The Vernal Equinox
Well goodbye Winter and hello Spring.
Altrincham Aurora
Walking back from the observatory I notice a white/green arc low to the north. I thought maybe aurora but unlikely!
Llyn Brenig Observation 1/9/2003
Myself and Richard B. enjoyed an observing session at Llyn B. on the Sunday night,
Perseids? What Perseids?
It seems the weather in the good old North-West of England has lived up to it's usual reputation,
Comet Ikeya-Zhang Confirmed
Paul C has confirmed a prediction that Comet Ikeya-Zhang will pass very close to M31 at or about 4th April
Supernova Discovery 31/1/2002
A supernova has been discovered in M74, announced on IAU Circular 7810 today.
Comet Observation
I (Paul Clark) was observing from Gradbach on Sunday night.
The IAU in UMIST, Manchester, UK, August, 2000
Thursday, 17th August, the IAU celebrity lecture at UMIST was again hosted by Patrick Moore and featured Prof.