Handheld Heavens
What can you see through an un-mounted 60mm mini-Borg with 24mm Panoptic and 13mm Nagler at 2000m under clear and dark sky?
First Funky Finder-scope Finds
I’ve recently purchased a ‘take me anywhere’ ‘scope. At 60mm aperture and f5.4 the OTA comes in a 10” long when assembled.
A Llyn Brenig October
This was a reasonable session with intermittent misty clouds, the NELM down to 6 and a bit. A welcome outing!
Elan Valley
The Elan Valley complex of reservoirs can be found ~ 40 kms east of Aberystwyth and 4 mls SW of Rhayader.
Llyn Brenig 7/12/2002 Observation
Don Utton, Paul Clark and myself went to Llyn Brenig on Thursday night, 5th Dec.
23rd October 2002 Gradbach Report
I managed to grab 3 hours of observing through a gap in the bad weather.