Last Saturday night saw 4 of us down at Llyn B again, this time seeing conditions were perhaps the best we'd ever seen there. The Milky way was visible from horizon to horizon, and earlier on, it was possible to see all of the 'Teapot' asterism in Sagittarius. Spectacular Views of the Veil Nebula were had through Paul's 18'' dob, via a 2'' O111 filter and a 31mm Nagler eyepiece. This had to be truly one of the best sights available through an amateur telescope, again the seeing conditions allowing so much clarity and detail to shine through; I managed to hop from the western section over to the eastern part without much problem, and it too was truly awesome, beautiful, unforgettable. I took the chance to take a look at some of the more 'difficult' DSOs, e.g. M101, and NGC 891, a side-on mag.10galaxy in Andromeda that really is hard to see much of in an 8'' scope.
by Unknown ADAS member