X-OriginalArrivalTime: 13 Oct 2001 14:30:44.0986 (UTC) FILETIME=[A4C8B5A0:01C153F3]
Report on Observations of Naked Eye Stars in Pegasus
To observe as many naked eye stars as possible inside the Square of
Pegasus, from a dark site in Oman, so as to draw a comparison between
skies here, Llyn Brenig and elsewhere.
A dark site was visited at an isolated location in the Hajjar Mountains, and
once dark-adapted a count was made of the naked eye stars inside the Square
of Pegasus. The region was at a high altitude, so there was so there were no
problems with atmospheric extinction. Stars observed on the perimeter of the
square (Alf And - Bet Peg - Alf Peg - Gam Peg - Alf And) would be counted as
being inside the square. Once a star had been positively identified it was
ticked off in Norton's. Observations were concluded when no more stars were
The following stars were identified:
Star                     mv
Ups Peg             4.43
Tau Peg             4.60 - 4.62 (v)
Psi Peg              4.66
56 Peg              4.76
Phi Peg             5.08
HW Peg           5.32 - 5.62 (v)
75 Peg              5.49
87 Peg              5.56
SAO 108443Â Â Â Â 5.68
85 Peg              5.80
69 Peg              5.96 - 5.98 (v)
SAO 108400Â Â Â Â 6.16
60 Peg              6.20
65 Peg              6.29
SAO 91321Â Â Â Â Â Â 6.41
SAO 91133Â Â Â Â Â Â 6.57
Observations were made on October 12th., 2001, between 16.13 UT and 16.39 UT.
Sixteen stars were identified, of which SAO 91133, at 6m.57 was the faintest.
References: Marriott, Chris; SkyMapPro7.
by Colin Henshaw